Minutes from PACC Economic Development Committee Meeting 5-26-17
Minutes from PACC Economic Development Committee Meeting 5-26-17
Present: Brian Moore, Laura Edelblute, Mike Compton, BJ King, Nate Strum, Mark Schillig, Debbie Kohman, Philip Wagner, Ron Cooley & Diane Grove
7:30 am - Meeting opened with Pledge of Allegiance
- BJ King (City of Pataskala) The city continues to discuss the issue of medical marijuana. An ordinance to prohibit the growing of medical marijuana within city limits has had 2 readings and was tabled. There will most likely be a parks levy on the ballot soon. TechR2 will be moving to Pataskala bringing 17 jobs and adding 23 new jobs, they destroy hard drives for security purposes. Still working with AEP to bury lines and remove old poles on Main St. Site work has begun for AEP, ground breaking coming soon. Ground breaking for police station in late July.
- Mike Compton (Mayor of Pataskala) Residential sales are booming in the area. Memorial Day Ceremony May 29th, 9am at the cemetery and 10am at the Vet memorial. They will dedicate the new Civil War Cannon by firing it and there will be a flyover. Looking for sponsors for fireworks on July 1st. Firefighters selling ads for Street Fair Program booklet. Firefighters Challenge also seeking sponsors.
- Nate Strum (Grow Licking County) ED101-Connect Denison, June 21st, 6:30-8:30pm. Licking County is eligible for a $50,000 grant for manufacturing assistance. Plan will be done by October. Nate will have 18 meetings with large international companies in mid-June in DC.
- Phil Wagner (LH Schools) Today is last day of the school year for students. Levy passed, new building in 2020, will use local sources to build as much as possible, high school, elementary and bus garage. YMCA funds LH preschool, will now fund preschool at SWL.
- Diane Grove (Pataskala Chamber) Next Chamber meeting June 30th at COTC-Bill Wahoff on HR, Golf Outing July 14th at Willow Run, Chamber rented booth at Street Fair for members to use, September 19th Pat Tiberi will be our speaker at Tall Timbers.
- Laura Edelblute (LMHS) (PACC) (Rotary) Chamber postcard almost ready to send to new residents, Rotary helped fund new banners on Main St., LMHS movie night tonight at Pataskala Campus. Pataskala campus is full now and LMHS awarded Grade A for safety & Best place to work.
- Mark Schillig (Park Shai) Working on filling Hazelton Town Center, LICCO setting up satellite sites, NW corner of 40 & Columbia rd-lots of activity-4 lots.
8:40 am - Meeting adjourned